①「Raw English」の表現を覚える
ask over=invite(招く)
I ask my friend over to my house.
bring up=mention(話題にする)
We should bring up the subject in the meeting.
get behind=support(支持する)
Many young people refuse to get behind the President.
get by=manage(どうにかやる)
We had to get by with very little money.
make believe=pretend(ふりをする)
You can’t go on making believe that nothing is wrong.
How come=Why(なぜ)
How come you didn’t show up for the rehearsals?
show up=appear(顔を出す)
Did he show up for rehearsals?
fill out =write(書く)
He was filling out forms about the accident.
tied up=busy(忙しい)
I’m tied up now.
talk someone into=persuade(説得する)
She talked me into taking a week’s holiday.
②「High English」の表現を覚える
Plain Englishの部分を隠して、High Englishの意味がわかるかをチェック。わからなかった単語や表現は暗記しておこう。
High English:The rigor of this course has increased.
Plain English:This course has become more difficult.
High English:He assumes this assignment will be cumbersome.
Plain English:He thinks this homework is difficult.
High English:I am going to be restrictive about it.
Plain English:I’m going to be hard about it.
High English:Decoration may be important for the ambience of the reception.
Plain English:Decoration may be important for the party.
High English:The company will inevitably seek an appropriate person for that position.
Plain English:The company will certainly look for a right person for that job.
米国テネシー州立大学にて言語学博士号、南ミシシッピー州立大学にて音楽博士号を取得。音声学・言語学の見地から日本語と英語を比較分析、「藤澤博士のスピーチセラピーメソッド(FSTM)」を開発する。2004 年よりLEC 会計大学院教授、11 年より関東学園大学客員教授。著書に、『オドロキモモノキ英語発音 子音がキマればうまくいく』(ジャパンタイムズ)など。≪取材・構成:林加愛≫(『THE21オンライン』2019年2月号より)
・40代から始める 「ズルい英語学習法」
・40代からの英語は 「専門領域」だけを集中強化しよう